I love first-person shooters. Titles like Call of Duty and Battlefield (RIP) have filled my gaming library since high school. Sure, I’ve also enjoyed other genres like RPG’s, sports games, and single-player adventures since I was a kid, but there’s something about multiplayer shooters that scratches my gaming itch. The … [Read more...]
The Simple Wisdom of “Just Start”
“I never liked your writing before...but I’ll admit, you’re not bad now.” Backhanded compliments like that are common to people like me. Anyone who works in the public eye is always judged as a finished product, no matter how much potential they show: “Yeah, he can play but his shooting form is raw.” “She tells … [Read more...]
Eyes Fit for a King: 3 Steps to Avoid Pornography So You Can Do Great Things (Going Great #3)
Sexual discipline. I covered the topic briefly in my last post, but it’s so important that I need to address its biggest threat: Pornography is a temptation that many men (and women) know all too well. Besides being immoral, porn threatens your sexual discipline, which in turn can ruin your focus and prevent you from … [Read more...]
The Enemy of Good: How to Stop Chasing Perfection and Get On with Life
“Knees... Hands... Square... Pull...” “Knees... Hands... Square... Pull...” Basketball, like many other sports, is a repetitive game. And I completed that four-word sequence hundreds of times before practice even began. Those were the steps to my jumpshot routine—a process I used to counter fatigue’s effect on my … [Read more...]
The 4 Step Ladder to Mastery and the Trick to Making the Climb
I’ve always found it weird how we laugh at other people’s failures. When we hear the singer struggle to hit the high notes at auditions, the artist who seemingly let his toddler smear paint on the canvas, or the boy who gets rejected by Susie in class, a little grin forms on our faces. We praise victory so much that we … [Read more...]
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