If I could deliver a message to my younger self—no, scratch that.
If I could only deliver two hand written words to that guy, these would be it:
Care more.
Care more, care more, care more.
Every blog post I’ve written, every job I’ve worked, every exam I’ve aced, every hole I’ve escaped from, and every person who’s befriended me have all been affected by those two words.
Care more.
It’s all so simple now that I don’t know how I didn’t see it before. All I ever had to do was care. I just needed to try.
And I don’t know why we’re all embarrassed to do that.
I guess we just don’t wanna fail. Or maybe we think it’s a waste of time.
But that time is never wasted.
Sure, you’ll still fail every now and then. And you will definitely be embarrassed. But guess what? You’re not doing too bad if that’s the worst case scenario.
Yes, you’ll hear the chirping behind your back. People will ask, “What is he doing?” They’ll wonder, “Why is he trying so hard?” They’ll misunderstand and say, “She thinks she’s better than us.”
But it won’t matter. You’ll care too much about what’s important to give a second thought to what people say.
Yeah, you’ll still want what’s best for others. And you’ll want to see them excel too. But you can’t make them care.
How do I know that they don’t care?
Because they’re worried about you. And if anyone is that obsessed with another person, they don’t care enough about what’s important.
But forget all this talk about other people. This is about what you need to do.
Care more.
Care about your grades. Care about the way you dress. Care about your health. Care about your future.
Everyone starts at ground zero, so don’t be ashamed.
You can always strengthen your weaknesses. Practice will improve the execution. But if you’re too scared to give an effort, and if you’re afraid of empty words, you won’t stand a chance.
Start rolling the dice instead.
Sit in the front of the class. Ask when you don’t know. Learn how to take criticism. Be an idiot.
One moment of embarrassment is better than years of asking “what if?”
You do not have all the time in the world. You will not be in the same position ten years from now. It will not “just work out” without you doing something. That’s the truth.
Do not expect a handout from the world because the world isn’t obligated to give you one.
Find what you like to do and produce. It doesn’t matter if you feel like quitting. It doesn’t matter if no one sees it for 8 months. And it doesn’t matter if your friends think you’re full of it.
Do it anyway.
Do it before the responsibilities come. Do it before you have to support a family. Make a difference before that opportunity gets snatched away.
Care before it gets difficult, because it will. Cherish your youth and make the most of it now—it’s so much harder to change when you’re older.
Forget all the popularity contests. Keep the drugs and alcohol outta your system. Walk away from the meaningless sex.
That stuff your peers value so much now isn’t worth it. They’re only focused on a tiny window of their lives—a window that should be used to prepare for what’s ahead, and they’ve chosen to waste it.
Think bigger than that. Look beyond the now.
You do not want to be in a position where others have to help you later.
Sure, you can still accept people’s generosity, and you shouldn’t do everything by yourself, but make sure you can stand on your own. It will open up so many opportunities—one of which is being that person who’s full of generosity.
But don’t confuse any of this with the “success culture” either. That’s for kids still trying to prove that they’re better than others.
Life isn’t a competition—at least not against other people.
You’re not better than anyone. You’re just making better choices.
That word “success” doesn’t mean anything to me now. It used to but it doesn’t anymore. That word means all kinds of things to different people, and I’m not going to bother with it.
You know what’s better than success? When people see you walk in the door and think to themselves, “That’s a man who cares.” “That’s a man who loves life.”
I want them to think, “He has something I need.” I want them to see me and realize that there is something different. And I don’t mean that in a cocky, “I’m better than thou” type of way.
If they recognize it, if they can see the good for themselves, then by all means take it. Take it and enjoy your life. Take it and experience the joy I was finally able to feel again.
You can keep your money. I have a job for that. I know what it’s like to have more money than I know what to do with. I’m indifferent to it now.
Money is just another part of life. And if you care, the money will be there.
This isn’t about money. It’s about being skilled at life. And that skill will always be more valuable.
So look at what you think is required and then go further beyond. Take the expectation you have for yourself and shatter it with your actions.
Always do more than what’s necessary, that’s all you ever have to do.
Just care more. Care much more.
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